Monday, September 16, 2013

Coding Dojo Review: Passed My Yellow Belt Exam! (HTML/CSS/jQuery)

Super excited about the email I revied when waking up. Passed my HTML/CSS/jQuery exam with a 9.5/10. I was worried since I didn't have time to finish, but again, most of the incomplete work were concepts that I have already completed within other parts of the webpage.

Part of the exam is making a screen capture of the webpage to demo it for the grader. Here we are given a chance to walk through the webpage and explain what worked and didn't work. I used this time as an oppurtunity to explain what I didn't finished and how I could accomplish the tasks while pointing out the different areas of the webpage that I have already executed the concepts required.

Over the weekend I also finished 3 assignments in PHP. Driving me nuts with some of the little mistakes like forgetting a "$" and when to echo out html like "<select>" grrrr.. Thankfully my roommate is going through the same course and was able to help pinpoint them. So helpful to have someone else review your code!

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