Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Coding Dojo Review: Day 1

Day 1 at Coding Dojo! 

My first impression: they have way more space than I thought. They have at least 3 spaces in the plaza and apparently opening up another school in the Seattle area.

What we learned: 

  • 1 hour lecture of an overview of what front-end, back-end, database, and servers are
  • Setting up local development environment
  • Intro to HTML and a lot of us started on CSS 
Teaching / Learning Environment: 

  • 1 instructor, 2-3 on-site TAs, and 3 off-site TAs in the Phillipines (everyone was very responsive)
  • A lot of the materials are online using their platform (instructional videos, document materials, and, assignments)

Yes! There's a food section as Coding Dojo provides lunch and dinner. We had Mediterranean for lunch and Hawaiian BBQ for dinner. That dinner was awesome. Have to say originally thought they would just be feeding us sandwiches, salads, and fruit so I was blown away with what they provided meal wise. 


Good first day. Wasn't that overwhelming since I went over HTML/CSS track in CodeAcademy. Feedback from other students say that the assignments for CSS take a lot longer due to positioning of each pixel and getting colors right. 

I also liked that so much of the material is online since it makes working on the assignments a lot easier when away from the school. First day went from 8:30 am to 6 pm though many people stayed later. 

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